September 15, 2015 Estate Planning
It may seem that revoking a will should be a pretty straightforward process, but it is not. In more cases…
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August 20, 2015 Estate Planning
Having a trust sounds like something that only wealthy people need, but trusts are useful estate planning tools for regular…
August 19, 2015 Estate Planning
The simple and unpleasant truth of estate planning is this: few people enjoy spending time contemplating their own mortality. Estate…
August 17, 2015 Estate Planning
Laws that govern wills, trusts and estates can be complex for wills leaving do-it-yourself projects potentially lacking in substance and…
April 30, 2015 Estate Planning
Coming together at 50-plus is different from getting married in your 20s, particularly when it comes to money. “You’ve had…
April 28, 2015 Estate Planning
Financial planner Joe Pitzl, 34, says Millennials like himself have a different way of absorbing information than their parents and…
April 27, 2015 Estate Planning
Although some couples remain unmarried to protect their estates, that strategy may backfire if you end up paying estate taxes….
April 22, 2015 Estate Planning
“It’s important not to look at financial planning in a vacuum. Estate planning is intertwined with the financial plan.” According…
April 21, 2015 Estate Planning
“If you are looking at Baby Boomers, they are looking at what their cash flow will be in retirement,” says…
April 20, 2015 Estate Planning
Here are a few of the most common mistakes we’ve seen seniors make in regards to their retirement planning. Sometimes…
April 17, 2015 Estate Planning
Empire is based on fictitious music company called Empire Enterprises. Lead character Lucious Lyon (played by actor Terrence Howard) is…
April 16, 2015 BusinessEstate Planning
Small businesses, including self-employed taxpayers, have two choices after year end (2014) to establish and contribute to a retirement plan….